Loch Abar Farm

Loch Abar Farms is a licensed pastured chicken operation in Lochaber, 15 minutes from Antigonish. Founded by Dan MacIssac, their goal is to provide a local source of healthy, top quality free range chicken.

Dan MacIssac acknowledges that not all food is created equal – stores are filled with slogans stating “natural” or “organic”  but these labels do not necessarily equal nutrition. This is his reasoning for raising a better chicken at Loch Abar Farms; a chicken that lives the way a chicken should live: waking up with the sun outside in a green field and eating what they choose from grasses to clover. This is where healthy chicken comes from – rich in omega fatty acids and full of flavor.

Chickens at Loch Abar Farms are moved to new grass multiple times per day so their time is spent eating less feed and more grass that provides enriched nutrition.


Video credit: Eastern Alternative, Warren Robertson, 2018


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