Food Fantastique & Dining on the Ocean Floor

Food Fantastique and Dining on the Ocean Floor

Food Fantastique:
Offering a variety of superb services and mouth-watering menus, Food Fantastique is one of today’s leading voices in the contemporary cooking industry. Years in the business have helped Domenic develop a unique business catering to every client’s taste or need. Whether you’re planning a housewarming party or simply need a break from the kitchen - Food Fantastique can help. For more information get in touch today.

Dining on the Ocean Floor: Experience the ultimate culinary adventure at the site of the world’s highest tides. Savour the best Nova Scotia food, beer and wine in this exceptional experience. Begin by learning about the wild edibles of Nova Scotia, followed by a lunchtime seafood feast where you meet the Chef and enjoy beer and wine pairings. Enjoy a guided tour of the ocean floor, then take a seat at a dining table with a view of the incoming tide for an intimate 3-course dinner on the ocean floor; all followed by an ocean floor campfire.


Gerrish and Gray


Clarence U-Pick